Fashion within Motion Pictures
Hello Wonderful People,
Whew, this past month has been absolutely crazy. I had a three week illness that to this day I'm not entirely sure what it was, so that held me back from blogging and for that I apologize.
Now, to get down to business. I had a few people suggest that I should blog about the impact of fashion in movies. I'm in a costume design class this semester and I absolutely love it. The crazy thing is that I never knew how much work actually went into designing the right costumes for specific characters. When you think about it, costumes are what makes a character, which therefore is what makes a movie or a play. With the right costumes, you basically are telling the audience what type of person that character is without the actor even opening his/her mouth. To me, that is pure genius.
For example, In the Harry Potter movies, yes for the most part they are all wearing uniforms, but some of the students wear their uniforms in a different way so that you can assume the type of person they are. Take Seamus (the kid who always blew things up) in the more recent Harry Potter movies he wears his uniform untucked, and kind of messy and not professional.
One of my favorite movies is The Devil Wears Prada (great book too!) If you've ever seen it you'll know that the protagonist Andy (short for Andrea) goes through a major makeover in the middle of the movie in order to fit in with the other girls who work at the magazine and in order to gain the respect of her boss and others. This movie choose to use costumes as a way to portray her changing personality as well. The more she began to fit in, the more she lost sight of her true self.
In the movie Marie Antoinette the costumes were OUT OF THIS WORLD. If you've never seen that movie, (the one with Kirsten Dunst) see it now just for the costumes. Oh, and the movie itself is really good too. The dresses were so incredibly intricate not to mention the wigs and makeup as well.
These are just a few examples of how important costumes are to the plot, characters, and emotion of the movie. I really hope this post was interesting to read, but now I must sign off. I will try to blog again weekly, but it depends on my busy schedule.
I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead of you,
Stay Excellent,
An Aspiring Fashionista
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